
My review on the Google Pixel

I'm an Apple diehard fan. I have had almost every generation iPhone to exist and have been on the bandwagon for quite some time. I've had iPods, iPads, MacBook Pro's, and even iMacs. As a matter of fact, I still have most of these with the exception of the iPod and of course, now the iPhone. I have supported and fought for my beliefs in the whole "Android vs. Apple" battle that seems to occur every time a new iPhone is launched. In fact, I even had the iPhone 7 on pre-order before returning it, due to it being the Jet Black edition which has caused many mixed reviews with its super scratchable surface and toy-like appearance, hence, the return. 

Furthermore, I was never going to change. I never thought about switching back to Android (I used to have one back in the day when they had the EVO, which was not a good experience for me but, that's a whole other story.) The day that Google released it's new phone was the only day I EVER felt intrigued, curious, and even remotely considered possibly giving Android OS another chance. Of course I was still hesitant, I mean, it was still, in the end, an Android device BUT, the day came where I was offered to test a Google Pixel for myself and I, of course, could not resist. 

When I received the phone, I was impressed. The design itself was sleek and gorgeous. They had thoughtfully put a fingerprint sensor on the back piece of the phone which at first took some time to get used to but then, I realized, made the most sense since my finger tends to lay right in that spot naturally while holding my phone. I immediately tested out the camera which also was extremely impressive. All of the photos I took were tack sharp and having Google Photos' unlimited storage was definitely an instant pleaser. Here are a few shots I took with it over the last month since it arrived. All images processed with VSCO App. 

If you are looking into the Google Pixel as your potential next device, I think you too, will very much enjoy all of the great features this phone has to offer. With just 32 GB, I still have enough space thanks to the unlimited video and photo storage. I also love Google's Assistant which does a fantastic job at navigating, looking things up on the web, sending out and reading messages, plus much more. The integration of Google Translate in the phone is BY FAR my favorite feature. For someone who is studying another language, this instantly became the feature I never knew of and loved the most. It made translating messages seamless without barely having to leave the same window. The phone is also extremely fast and of course, the customization that Android has often is taken for granted when you don't have the same options on Apple's iOS. 

Canon 5D Mark II, EF 40mm 2.8 Pancake

Taken with a Canon 5D Mark II, EF 40mm 2.8 Pancake. 


Google's phone will surely please everyone, even Apple users like myself. I thought I would be missing my iMessage a lot more than I actually am. To be quite honest, I don't think I will be switching any time soon. I am not much of a know it all when it comes to devices so I can't speak in terms of performance, RAM, etc. but from the usability aspect and user experience overall I rate this phone a solid 10. I am very happy with it and have not wanted to throw it at any walls yet so that's a great sign. Oh, and I also love that it doesn't shut off at 52% battery life, just cause it's cold outside. ;)